立命館宇治中学・高等学校男子テニス部ブログ        Ritsumeikan Uji Boys' Tennis Team Blog

立命館宇治中学・高校男子テニス部の日々の活動を紹介します。 We will keep you updated on our club activities.

卒業生のサポート / Supprt of Graduate


P.S. 錦織圭選手がスペインのマドリードで行われているマスターズ大会で世界5位のダビデ・フェレール選手を破り、マスターズ大会では自身初の決勝進出を果たしました。当然日本人選手としては史上初の快挙です。また世界ランキングも自己最高の9位まで上がることも確定しました。決勝では世界1位のクレーの王者ラファエル・ナダル選手と対戦します。ここまで激しい戦いでの疲れ、ケガが懸念されますが、健闘を期待したいです。

Yuta Akune, the previous captain&graduate, came back to practice as a coach.  He's going to coach the JH tennis team regularly from now on.  The high-school third-year boys have been supporting the JH team since they finished their last tournament, so Yuta's  addition to the team will promote the growth of the team  even more.  I hope he will make the most of his experience as a player and captain while coaching the boys.  The JH boys should make sure they themselves work hard and try to do what they can do themselves rather than just relying on their seniors.  It's important for them to set clear goals and strive for them.  The members of the IH team are going to practice with university students at the BKC tomorrow.  The qualifying round of IH is only a week away.  I hope they will have a lot of good practice under their belt.  

P.S. Kei Nishikori beat David Ferrer, world's No. 5, to reached the finals of the Madrid Masters.  This is his first time to reach the finals of a Masters event.  No other Japanese player had done it before.  Moreover, in the next week's rankings, he's going to be ranked No. 9 in the world.  He's has become the first Japanese male tennis player to break the top 10.  He faces Rafael Nadal, world's No. 1, in the finals.  Considering the fatigue and injury from his past matches, which have been all tough, it won't easy for him to beat Nadal, but let's hope that he will recover in time and win his first maters title tomorrow.