立命館宇治中学・高等学校男子テニス部ブログ        Ritsumeikan Uji Boys' Tennis Team Blog

立命館宇治中学・高校男子テニス部の日々の活動を紹介します。 We will keep you updated on our club activities.

部内戦 Ranking Matches



It was the first Sunday practice after the end-of-year exams.  There were many courts we could use all day, so we did a lot of match practice.  We had ranking matches in the afternoon.   Many of the matches were full of errors that resulted from lack of concentration, wrong shot-selection or lazy footwork rather than lack of skills or good play from the other player.  There were few matches in which the passion and desire of the players could be felt.   I want the boys to ask themselves why they're practicing tennis day in day out again.   As long as they're simply doing what they're told to do by others, it's no use practicing for many hours every day.  Watching their matches, I couldn't help wondering if some of the boys are playing tennis just because there's nothing else to do.   I hope they will show up in practice with more passion, desire and guts from tomorrow.  One junior high school student came and joined our practice today.  It was a very good experience for the high school boys as it added some extra pressure and spice to the atmosphere of the practice.  I hope many more junior high school students will come and join our practice.  The above list is the new rankings after the matches.